Creep Score Calculator für League of Legends

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Creep Score CS Calculator APP

Creep Score Calculator for League of Legends is a small tool that helps summoners of LoL in judging their farm efficiency. Its based on most recent minion changes and their gold worth changes.

Last hitting and farming is the most basic and most important aspect of the game. A summoners need farm for items on summoners rift. That is why a lot of us are always looking for tool that help them assess their farm efficiency on summoners rift.

Creep Score CS Calculator calculates caster minion, melee minions and siege minion spawned and their worth separately. This tool calculates maximum number of minion that can be farmed in given time frame. Of course we can not farm 100%. So what a good limit?

We observed a few high Elo game on summoners rift. From our observation, 77% seems a good farm. Most good player with normal match ups, in high elo, had about 77% farm.

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