66 Santase - Schnapsen GAME
If you want to play vs real people you can download our new 66 Santase Online Multiplayer version of the game: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=santasemulti.radefffactory
In game settings you can change:
- auto hand gathering (on/off)
- possibility to declare marriage (20/40) with no picks
- possibility to declare marriage (20/40) with queen and king (not only queen)
- possibility to hide android points (harder for the user to follow the game flow)
- change the score, user have to reach to win the game
- change the look of the deck
- change the look of the back of the cards
- change the background and actionbar of the game
- turn sound on and off
- turn animation on and off
To declare marriage, according to the settings (upper in the description), just throw the queen (or the king, if set in the settings), and the points will be automatically added to your points.