20 20 20 Augenschutz APP
• Erinnert Sie durch eine Benachrichtigung alles 20 min an eine Pause
• Countdown startet automatisch, sobald der Display angeschaltet wird
• Passen Sie die Benachrichtigung nach eigen wünschen an
• Service manuell starten und stoppen
• Möglichkeit Pause in Benachrichtigung zu bestätigen
• schützt Ihre Augen😉
• Werbefrei und Kostenlos
Android 8+ Users please read:
On Devices running Android 8 and higher you'll receive a notification telling you the 20 20 20 App is draining the battery in the background.
This is a default notification which is shown for every app using a background service even if it isn't using much power at all. The 20 20 20 service is only counting down 20 minutes as soon as its started. This doesn't require much power or cpu capacity. To verify this claim your self, you can check the Battery statistics after a day of running the 20 20 20 app.