DCO Central APP
DCO Central features include:
Improved Doping Control Experience:
- Complete sample process: Athlete notification, Doping Control Forms, Chain of Custodies, Unsuccessful attempts, Athlete refusals, DCO Report
- Faster doping control procedure with pre-populated athlete data from ADAMS
- Encrypted PDF version of the Doping Control Form sent to the athlete
- Anonymous Doping Control Form sent to lab for analysis
- Simultaneous translation to protect athlete’s rights when doping control is conducted in another language
- Secure digital transfer of athlete’s personal data
- DCO has real-time access to athlete’s whereabouts information to reduce the chances of an unsuccessful test attempt
- Available online and offline
- Paperless
- Bilingual athlete-facing interface
- Electronic signature
- Sample code scanning
- Secure connection with ADAMS including automatic upload for the testing outcomes