Database Management Systems APP
This App has 150 topics in 5 chapters same as a book, totally based on practical as well as a strong base of theoretical knowledge with DBMS notes written in very simple and understandable English.
The app is a complete free handbook of Database Management System which covers important all topics with detailed notes, diagrams, equations, formulas & course material.
The App is designed for quick learning, revisions, references at the time of exams and interviews.
Some of the topics covered in the app are :
1. Overview of Database Management Systems
2. Database Systems versus File Systems
3. History of Database Systems
4. View of Data
5. Extending Database Capabilities
6. Types of Databases and Database Applications
7. Advantages of Database Systems
8. Functions of a DBMS
9. Role of the Database Administrator
10. Database Users
11. Data Models
12. Components of Database Management system
13. Transaction
14. Database Management System Languages
15. The two tier architecture
16. Three-layer architecture
17. Entity-Relationship Model
18. Database design and ER Diagrams
19. Entity Types, Attributes and Keys
20. Relationships and Relationship sets
21. Types of Entity
22. Constraints
23. Keys
24. Entity-Relationship Diagram
25. Hierarchical Data Model
26. Network Data Model
27. Design Issues
28. Extended E-R Features
29. Alternative E-R Notations
30. The Unified Modeling Language
31. Relational Model Terminology
32. Mathematical Definition of Relation
33. Database Relations
34. Structure of Relational Databases
35. Database Schema
36. Keys
37. Schema Diagram
38. The Relational Algebra
39. Composition of Relational Operations
40. The Union Operation
41. The Set Difference Operation
42. The Rename Operation
43. Formal Definition of the Relational Algebra
44. Additional Operations
45. Extended Relational-Algebra Operations
46. Outer Join
47. Null Values
48. Modification of the Database
50. Physical Storage Media
51. RAID
52. Tertiary Storage
53. Storage Access
54. File Organization
55. Variable-Length Records
56. Organization of Records in Files
57. Indexing structures for files
58. Secondary Indexes
59. Clustering File Organization
60. Data-Dictionary Storage
61. Hashing
62. B Tree
63. Query-by-Example
64. Queries on One Relation
65. Queries on Several Relations
66. The Condition Box
67. The Result Relation
68. Ordering of the Display of Tuples
69. Aggregate Operations
70. Normalization
71. Functional Dependency
72. The Process of Normalization
73. First Normal Form (1NF)
74. Boyce.Codd Normal Form (BCNF)
75. Fourth Normal Form (4NF)
76. Fifth Normal Form (5NF)
77. Algorithm for Functional Dependencies
78. Objectives of SQL
79. History of SQL
80. Importance of SQL
81. SQL Statement
82. Use of DISTINCT
83. Search Condition
84. Pattern Matching
85. NULL Search Condition
86. SELECT Statement
87. SELECT Statement - Grouping
88. Sub queries
89. Join
90. Integrity Enhancement Feature
91. Data Definition
92. View
93. Transactions
94. Data-Definition Language
95. Schema Definition in SQL
96. Dynamic SQL
97. Lock-Based Protocols
98. Granting of Locks
99. Two-Phase Locking Protocol
100. Implementation of Locking
101. Graph-Based Protocols
102. Time-stamp-Based Protocols
103. Validation-Based Protocols
104. Deadlock Handling
105. Timeout-Based Schemes for Deadlock Prevention
106. Deadlock Detection
107. Recovery from Deadlock
108. Need for Concurrency Control
This app will useful for quick reference. The revision of all concepts can be finished within Several hour using this app.
Advance Database management system is part of engineering education courses and technology degree programs of various universities.
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