It has been designed to address the main issues facing delivery drivers every day. As a starting point, we have provided over 32 million addresses with co-ordinates, including new builds and holiday accommodation. Our database also has properties that have not yet been completed ready for when residents start to receive their first deliveries.
Co-ordinates are only part of the location story. In the dark or in bad weather it can be difficult to spot house names or numbers and of course, even these may not be visible, being hidden behind vegetation or not existing at all.
Here's where DALUS comes into its own. Users can add further information to addresses that is then available to them and anyone else who uses the App. Making edits is quick and easy to do so it won't slow you down. This App will not only save you time, it can save you from accidental vehicle & property damage and personal injury.
Our Gold membership plan includes all of these features and more. Our Platinum membership plan includes all that Gold has to offer together with unlimited use of DALUS Assist. If you need to get to a customer who is not at a property for example, with a quick and easy 2 step process using DALUS Assist, you can get their precise GPS Co-ordinates that will get you to their exact location.