Report your animal/plant sightings directly from the field to the

Latest Version

May 14, 2024
Google Play ID


Submit your nature sightings to the web portal while on the go. The mobile application provides an easy and quick way to submit your observations while out in the field.

- It is possible to submit the point of observation based on GPS or by specifying the location on a map.
- You can select the species through classification or by search. If you do not know the species, you can submit it as “unknown” so an expert can identify it later.
- Each observation can include up to 3 photos, which will be downsized to 1100 pixels width.
- The application works off line as well, the observations will be saved and submitted when internet connection is available.
- For the map to work offline, you must zoom and scroll over the area of interest, when you are still connected to the internet, then the map will be cached in those areas.
- To save on data charges, you can disable downloading of new map tiles by pushing the button in the top left corner of the screen, this way, you will have internet access for submissions, but map will not be downloaded.
- It is possible to request latest updates to the species database from the settings menu.
- The observations can not be edited within the application, but you can edit and delete them in your online profile.

The application was developed within the project “Promotion of lasting development by integrating environmental and nature protection requirements within planning of politics”. This project is financially supported by Iceland, Lichtenstein and Norway.
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