We created the d.velop app to help you build a more resilient immune system. When it comes to immune health, vitamin D is critical, but there’s more you can do. The d.velop app supports a holistic approach to bolstering your immune resiliency. Start with d.velop with ampli-D, the best vitamin D on the market, then get additional support from the app. Learn how lifestyle adjustments support a thriving immune system. Get actionable guidance on how to improve habits key to your unique immune health. Chat with our knowledgeable coaches for help and tips along the way. It’s easy to get started and free with your d.velop Vitamin D purchase.
All information offered in connection with this app is presented solely for informational purposes and is not intended to replace the services of a doctor or other qualified medical professional. Please consult your physician or other health care professional before engaging with this or any similar program to determine if it is right for your needs.