Cytavision Go APP
Now you can watch your favourite programs:
- in every place you are, via the 3G/4G network of any provider,
- via any WiFi
- as well as within the European Union countries
Registration of a device is automatic when you log in for the first time to the application with your account credentials using the particular device. You can register upto 5 devices, but you can use the service on just 1 device at any given time.
If you are a Cytavision GO service subscriber you can:
- Find the complete program guide of all the Cytavision channels in order to find the weekly schedule at any moment.
- Watch selected channels according to your subscribed pack.
- Watch in Cytavision Replay TV selected past programs of various channels.
- Pause, Rewind and Start over Live TV programs of selected channels.
- Set Reminders in order not to miss any show.
- Get Recommendations of Cytavision programs and Movies on Demand based on your preferences.
- Create user sub profiles under your account and grand certain access rights for them.
- Many more features
For more information about the activation and the access to the service you can visit