Cybozu APP
Scheduler, Mail, Messages and Workflow are available on Cybozu KUNAI for free.
More features are planned to be added.
For higher security, we offer KUNAI MDM Pack (Mobile Device Manager Pack), a fee-based option, which includes a network subscription and remote wipe features. For details on KUNAI MDM Pack, please explore our website.
Cybozu KUNAI
Cybozu KUNAI official twitter
○Supported versions of Cybozu groupware
Cybozu Office
Cybozu Garoon
Cybozu Office on
Garoon on
To use KUNAI and get technical support, the following conditions are required:
- The version of Cybozu Office or Garoon you are using is supported
- You have the valid license for Cybozu Office or Garoon you are using