CurriculAR APP
Thanks to Augmented Reality, your photo will begin to come alive, showing more about you than what you can achieve with a simple resume.
How does CurriculAR work?
First of all you need to register on our website, entering your data and choosing your credentials (username and password).
Upload the updated version of your CV, add a photo and a presentation video. For an impressive effect, we recommend to use the first frame of your video as profile image.
Download the app on your smartphone and you're done: frame the image you uploaded to see how, thanks to the use of Augmented Reality, the video you uploaded will animate.
Why choose CurriculAR?
CurriculAR is the new way to communicate personal skills and experiences, which gain value thanks to Augmented Reality.
- The app allows the candidate to tell his story not only through his curriculum vitae, but also thanks to the screen, showing and describing himself for a more incisive presentation.
- During the phase of information acquisition, recruiters will be able to have a more complete view of the candidate and more means for the selection, not limited only to static text and images.
- The impact is immediate: Augmented Reality gives you the opportunity to virtually shake the hand of your interlocutor and to show you talking about yourself, your strengths and your skills.
- The impact is immediate: Augmented Reality gives you the opportunity to virtually shake the hand of your interlocutor, showing yourself talking about strengths and skills acquired.