CtrlChain Carrier APP
How to use:
It is very simple! Contact us via www.ctrlchain.com, we will create your account and send the login details. Then, download the app, log in, and start receiving orders!
Once you have an order assigned, all you need to do is follow the steps and update the order status with just a few taps. This allows you to be in control of the delivery process and eliminate back-and-forth phone calls and emails.
Cargo delivered? Great, upload the POD and finish the order! We will start the payment process right away.
-Update the status of your order without any phone calls or emails
-Access full delivery details and overview all your orders
-Upload POD and forget the paperwork
-Decide when you are available to accept orders
-Guaranteed payment within 30 days
Any questions or need more information? We are happy to help!
Contact us via our website www.ctrlchain.com