CTCAE plus (v5.0+v4.03+v3.0) APP
::: Multiple CTCAE Versions :::
CTCAE plus supports multiple CTCAE versions (v5.0, v4.03, and v3.0).
::: Flag :::
Toggle a flag on and off by pulling on a listed event to the right as well as by tapping on a flag.
::: Search :::
Show the search result with the matching text highlighted across terms, grades, and definitions.
::: Grade :::
Adverse Event Grades can be listed vertically and horizontally.
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::: Flag+ :::
Based on Term Mapping information, Flags will be taken over from one CTCAE version to another. Flagged events can be tagged at once.
::: Search+ :::
Search and highlight multiple strings across terms, grades, and definitions in a primary version. Optionally, 6-color highlight is available.
::: Tag :::
Add multiple tags to a single AE term in each CTCAE version. Remove a tag by pressing and holding as well as by tapping x button. The tagged events are printable and exportable. See 'Review' and 'Print and Export'.
::: Grade Score :::
Grade scoring is available on each tagged AE item. Grade Score Bars in color or gray help to monitor Grade Scores without opening the Detail Window.
::: Archive :::
Archive and restore Flags and Tags with AE scores. It helps to backup your archival data, copy it between devices, and restore it.
::: Review :::
Review the tagged AE items in the Review window. Grade scoring is available on each tagged adverse event in the window.
::: Print and Export :::
Report the tagged items through AirPrint, PDF export, and Text export.
::: Mapping Info :::
Visualized Mapping Info can help data conversion from one to another version (e.g. CTCAE v4.03 to CTCAE v5.0).
::: Diff Checker :::
Find differences between two versions with text highlighted in a window.