CRYSTO online fantasy game platform where users can create virtual portfolios of real-life players from real-life stock markets. The modus operandi of CRYSTO can be summarized as follows:
1. Team Creation: Users create their virtual portfolio by selecting stocks from the list of given stocks for upcoming events.
2. Stock Selection: Users require to do the fundamental analysis, industry and market analysis, company news and events, technical analysis, valuation, risk assessment, and analyst recommendations of the stocks & have to select a bullish or bearish stance for the selected stock.
3. Booster Selection: Users have to assign boosters to the selected stocks i.e., 4x,3x,2x,1x which will multiply their points accordingly.
4. Contest Participation: CRYSTO offers various types of contests with different entry fees and prize structures. Users can join these contests by paying the entry fee using real money or bonus cash available in their CRYSTO account.
5. Point Calculation: CRYSTO assigns points to each player in their virtual portfolio based on the performance of the selected stocks. Points are awarded based on the given stock’s performance in that particular contest. For every 1% of the gain of the stock, the user will be awarded +100 points. And for every 1% of the negative performance of the stock user will be awarded -100 points.
6. Leaderboard and Ranking: Users' portfolios are ranked on a leaderboard based on the total points earned by their players. The rankings determine the winners of the contests, with higher-ranking teams receiving cash prizes or other rewards.
7. Cash Prizes and Withdrawal: Users who win contests are eligible to receive cash prizes, which can be withdrawn from their CRYSTO account to their bank accounts or used to participate in future contests.