Productivity App for Concentration
CreaTime is a task management application, designed to increase the user’s productivity by penalizing them for becoming distracted. The user initializes their task session by adding time onto the clock: pressing the Add 1 Hour button adds sixty minutes to the current time left on the timer, and the Add 1 Minute button adds one minute to the time remaining. Pressing See Statistics navigates the user to the page where their incentives are displayed. The first graphic is a bar graph that displays information about the user when they became distracted from an active session. “Distraction” is based on the user leaving the timer screen to use their phone for something else. The x-axis of this graph displays when the distraction happened, and the y-axis represents how long the user was able to focus on the session before getting distracted and leaving the screen. The second statistic on this page is the user’s Concentration Level, which is calculated by how often the user is distracted, and how often the user is able to focus throughout an entire session, until the timer reaches zero.
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