Crack The Code APP
2. It is specially made for children who are novice at Python coding. Students who are studying AI, CS and IP subjects will definitely be benefitted by this game. The game covers the topic “Conditional and Looping Statements” in Python.
3. There are two doors in a mystery house. The player has to open both the doors to get the gold. To open the doors, he needs to crack the Python code. On the first door there are eight cards and on the second door there are 12 cards laid out in a grid with face down.
4. On each turn, the player will first turn one card over and then the second.
5. If the two cards match (Python code written on one card should match the output written on the second card) the player scores one point and if they do not match, the cards are turned back over.
6. The time duration for finding all the matching cards present on the first door is 1 minute and on the second door in 3 minutes.
7. The player will win if he is able to open both the doors.
8. This game will certainly help players to improve their performance on the topic “Conditional and Looping Statements”.