Counter Button & Timer Tool APP
Perfect to count fair visitors, workout steps, zigarettes to stop smoking, calories to loose fat, points, income, heartbeats, standby time, smiles, good moments, calls, shape ups, Ads, anything per seconds / minutes or whatever you need. As advanced example you can calculate rythm bpm (beats per minute) manually or use this app for the measurement of steps per algorithm, get stats per encounter step for pro players in MMORPGs and more! This app in useful in many situations, download now - 100% free and unlimited!
- Timer with Pause and Reset function
- plus or minus counter
- 4 save and load slots
- full resolution autoscale
- sound & mute function
- autosave / store function
- 4 save & load slots
- immersion haptic fx
- improved controls & ui
- less advertisement
- Direct Plus / Minus Count
- New +/- direct Count function
- New accoustic feedbacks
- New Fair / Visitors count functions
100% free and unlimited! NEW with auto-save set function and 4 slots to save / load. PolarityFlow 2014