CORDI - Events made easy APP
CORDI makes event creation a breeze and provides great clarity to overcome any uncertainty an event might bring. Want to find a date for your BBQ Party, plan a get together and discuss what to do or just want to have a beautiful invitation to invite your best friends over for dinner? Use CORDI ❤️
📊 Create polls for dates or any other decision you can think of.
🙋 Vote for preferred options and update the event with the outcome.
✉️ Discuss or socialise in the conversations.
💰 Your data is not our business model!
🤝 Be part of shaping the app by suggesting and voting for new features.
📬 Get notified about changes in the event to always be up to date.
😍 Looks and feels like the beautiful invitation you deserve.
🤏 Reduced to a small feature set to keep it simple and organized.
CORDI was developed to solve an issue we had ourselves so it will always be user centric and we are trying to make the process of meeting up with your friends as easy as it can get.