Transfer files and contacts between different mobile devices (Android/iOS)

Latest Version

Apr 12, 2024

App APKs

Contact & File Transfer APP

Finding the right App to transfer your large number of contacts and files from your mobile device to another phone should not be hard. We have designed Contact & File Transfer Wizard prioritizing simplicity and efficiency. You can transfer phone numbers, photos, videos or any file on your device to your newly purchased device easily and as fast as your wifi connection would allow.

Here are some feature we built into our App:

- No need for complicated network or Wifi connection setup
- Reliable file transfers.
- Instant contacts transfer.
- Photos and Videos automatically show in your photos app on the destination phone
- Optimized for ease of use and short self explaining UI
- Comprehensive Help Section

In case of any issue please contact the Developer directly using "Contact Developer" on this page also make sure you are:

- Granting app permission to external storage
- Using WiFi not Data

To transfer your contacts (phone number and names only) choose Send Contacts and select the contacts you want to send to the other device, then tap next to see the reference number. use that number to receive contacts on the other phone.

To transfer files choose the Send Photos/Video/Files and select files using one of the tools on your phone (some of the tools don't allow "Select All" so look for one that does, usually photos app does), then tap next to get Reference ID.

On the destination phone enter the reference ID to start the transfer process.

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