Consultar IPVA e Multas APP
With this app you can consult the IPVA 2022, Open Fines and Licensing for free... All this just by the license plate of your vehicle.
Fine and IPVA consultation only by the plate, no need to enter RENAVAM.
All information comes directly from your state's Detran.
It is now possible to consult the Detran IPVA of your city and state:
Acre (AC)
Alagoas (AL)
Amapá (AP)
Amazonas (AM)
Bahia (BA)
Ceará (CE)
Federal District (DF)
Espírito Santo (ES)
Goiás (GO)
Maranhao (MA)
Mato Grosso (MT)
Mato Grosso do Sul (MS)
Minas Gerais (MG)
Pará (PA)
Paraíba (PB)
Paraná (PR)
Pernambuco (PE)
Piauí (PI)
Rio de Janeiro - RJ)
Rio Grande do Norte (RN)
Rio Grande do Sul (RS)
Rondônia (RO)
Roraima (RR)
Santa Catarina (SC)
Sao Paulo-SP)
Sergipe (SE)
Tocantins (TO)
Check vehicle license plates!
Consult vehicles using ONLY the plate for technical information and RENAVAN for consultation of Fines and Debits!
Check vehicle fines and debts through the practical shortcuts to the website of each DETRAN
▸ Vehicle inquiry - Just enter the license plate number to check various vehicle information.
With MasterPlaca you can check vehicle license plates quickly and simply.
Consult License Plate
Consult Motorcycle Plate
Consult Truck license plate
Consult Utilities board
Consult the car price based on the FIPE Table (MasterFIPE)
• Vehicle brand
• Vehicle model
• Licensing date
• Vehicle color
• Vehicle year
• Model year
• Vehicle city
• Vehicle origin
• Vehicle chassis
• Date of last update of information
• IPVA and Licensing due dates for the current year
Consult vehicle license plate is a safe way to know the legal situation of the car in question. Find out if it was stolen or not. Through the plate it is possible to obtain the main data of the car.
You also have access to your query history. In this way, you can see the license plates of the vehicles already consulted, being able to consult them again with just 1 click.
100% FREE
Consult license plates of any national car. All this at no cost and have this information in the palm of your hand!
Average vehicle prices linked to license plate inquiries!
You have the option to consult the price of the FIPE table directly through the application too!
*** WARNING! ***
• We do NOT have any ties or affiliations with any government entity. We also DO NOT represent any government entity!
• The data in this application are PUBLIC data from public consultations directly from the DETRAN websites and stored in its own database. Our database is updated periodically, thus informing each plate query, the date of the last update.
See the main characteristics of vehicles using only the license plate, also identify the situation of your car or motorcycle, see Fines and Debits and also car prices by the FIPE Table.
Save on fuel by using the flex calculator that checks if it's cheaper to fill your car or motorcycle with alcohol or gasoline. List the average fuel prices in each state.