Consult the situation of the vehicle by the license plate, Fipe table and fine.

Latest Version

Jan 25, 2025
Google Play ID

App APKs

Consulta Placa, Fipe e Multa APP

Checking a vehicle's license plate is now very easy, just enter it and you will have a wealth of information.

When checking a vehicle's license plate the following information about the vehicle will be returned:

★ City of the vehicle.
★ Year of vehicle.
★ Vehicle brand.
★ Vehicle model.
★ End of the vehicle chassis.
★ Price of the updated fipe table 2022.
Vehicle status (whether the vehicle is stolen or regular)

Your queries will be saved in your history, allowing you to consult vehicle information again, even without internet.

e-Placa features:

- 🛵 Consult motorcycle license plate.

- 🚗 Check car license plate.

- 🚚 Check truck license plate.

- 🏷️ Shortcut to the DETRAN's* website from all over Brazil.

- 💰 Check the price of the vehicle in the fipe table.

* The shortcut is just a convenience, we don't have any connection with DETRAN.

Remembering that you do not need internet to query the fipe table.

👉 With just one tap, you can also share the results of your queries.

Simple, intuitive and easy-to-use application.

⚠️ *** Observations ***
We do not have any relationship with the FIPE Institute.
We do not represent any government entity.
We do not have any connection with DETRAN, DENATRAN or any other public body.
• This is a private application and its information is taken from a public API.
• We comply with the LGPD (General Data Protection Law), as we do not store or send users' personal data.

Decree No. 8,777, of May 11, 2016, defines that the Federal Government's API is free to use by everyone.
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