Constitution of India APP
- Preamble,
- Parts,
- Articles,
- Schedules and
- Amendments as notified by Govt. of India.
- Features of the App -
- Available in OFFLINE mode (No internet required)
- Contains offline MCQ’s (Multiple choice questions)
- Polity eBooks (NCERT & NIOS) are available in Hindi and English medium for one click download
- Online Notes and Articles to boost your UPSC IAS Preparation.
- Option to Add articles, schedules etc to Favorites list for quick access.
* App is specially designed for students pursuing Law or Legal degree and preparing for Civil Services Examinations.
* Contains all the provisions of the Indian Constitution with all the amendment carried out till date. (till 101st [One Hundred and First] Amendment)
* Allows you to save and share any Article, Schedule, Amendment or a piece of text (selected by you) via various text sharing apps
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All the Best!