A free trial version for ANDROID 1.6 or latest is or will be available under the name "CONSILIO avtV3".
This new version supports the PAD format and overrides the application "CONSILIO Tablette".
(A free trial version for tablet on ANDROID 3.0 or latest is or will be available under the name "CONSILIO Tablette").
This game is made of 16 tiles representing 4 different shapes in 4 different colors, for a total of 16 unique pieces.
Those pieces are two sided, each side different from the other.
Age: 6+
Players: 2
A game lasts around 10 minutes
Theme: Positioning, anticipation and memory.
Goal to win the game: To withdraw one more tile than the opponent. Draw can be possible.
Game development:
Alternately, the players pick a tile which will be removed from the board, its shape and color will be used as a model for the next turn of the player. Then the player reverses a second piece on the board.
The first tile of the game for both players can be removed without any constrain.
Afterward, removing a piece from the board will need to have in common either the shape or the color with your model. This tile becomes your new model.
1st turn: each player removes one tile that becomes his model
2nd and next turns: each player removes a tile which has the shape or the color in common with his model (the cancel button cancels possibly), and then reverses another tile.
Principle of the game:
Withdraw the tiles in a way that allows you several choices for the next turn while trying to remove and reverse tiles that can block your opponent's moves.
To reverse a tile can either prevent one of your opponent's links or recover a nonexistent link.