Conre APP
As a researcher, why should I use your app?
1. Easy to post and check your progress: it is possibly the most simple way to find diverse participants—no matter you want to post a survey, do a phone interview, or ask participants to meet in person, do it in one click!
2. Compatible with other survey platforms: no matter you are using google forms, surveymonkey, typeforms or other survey platforms, we support most of them (check for details).
3. Many other researcher-friendly features: decide who you are paying and how much you want to pay, export data to excel, CAPTCHA system, and more...
As a participant, why should I use conre?
1. Earn easy money: we offer amazon gift cards, PayPal credits and cash for you to participate in research.
2. Help other researchers to do their research and change the world!
3. Easy to withdraw: you can withdraw your earning when as little as $1.