Ho Chi Minh City Digital Citizen application connects people with the government.

Latest Version

Jan 29, 2025
Google Play ID

App APKs

Công dân số TPHCM APP

Ho Chi Minh City Digital Citizen application provides services and utilities to serve the essential needs of people and communication between people and the digital government:
- Login method using the account of the Electronic Identification and Authentication system (VNeID).
- News, announcements, warnings: the government can post news about city activities, propagate policies - regulations, timely announcements - warnings so that people can grasp and understand the information clearly. believe
- Reflect recommendations: people can send feedback about frustrations encountered around the place they live or incidents occurring in the city.
- Look up locations and find directions: you can look up locations such as medical facilities, schools, accommodation facilities, business information, construction permits... and find directions from the point depart to the desired location
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