ConfIT data loggers APP
Supported devices (WATER):
MacR6 N – telemetric module for water meters, water pressure data logger
MacREJ 5 W – advanced data logger for flow meters, water pressure data logger
Supported devices (GAS):
MacR6 – telemetric module for gas meters
MacR6-IoT – IoT telemetric module for gas meters
MacR6-IoT-SMART (firmware from 1.01) – IoT telemetric module for gas meters
MacR6-SMART (firmware till 1.23) – telemetric module for gas meters
MacR6-SMS – telemetric module for gas meters
MacR6-Z0 – telemetric module for gas meters
MacR6-Z0-V – telemetric module for gas meters
MacIQ SM G4 - Smart gas meter
MacR6-Z0-P – gas pressure data logger
MacREJ 5 – gas station operation data logger
MacREJ 5 R – advanced volume data logger
Supported devices (ELECTRICITY):
MacR6-E – telemetric module for watt-hour meters
Application enables support for device installation on site, allows device configuration and basic parameters adjustment.
Application utilizes GazModem protocol using Bluetooth standard in cooperation via optical channel with OptoBTEx (Bluetooth 2.1) interface and OptoBTEx 2 (Bluetooth BLE 5.2) interface, or directly via NFC.
A user with more than one OptoBTEx 2 interface should enable the device scanner in the Application Settings and, when communicating with the target device, select the correct interface based on the BLE Device ID on the OptoBTEx 2 nameplate.