Condis family APP
- Purchase history, because you can identify yourself at the checkout! Just saying you're a member of the Boxed Condis Family will open doors for you!
- Access to the Condis Marathon. Don't worry, you don't have to run! You just have to accumulate points with each purchase, our dear COINdis, and as you unlock stadiums, you will get fantastic prizes!
- Exclusive promotions and raffles. We have already given away televisions, bicycles, crockery, travel chests, checks for purchases... Well, well, non-stop!
- Buy from the APP, make your shopping list and we will send it to your home or if you prefer you can pick it up at your favorite store.
- Consult the services and all the information of your store
And I would tell you more, but I don't want to be accused of spoilers!