Trusted movie and TV reviews created with families in mind.

Latest Version

Jan 30, 2025

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Common Sense Media APP

We are the essential review guide for parents when it comes to what kids are into: movies, TV shows, games, apps, podcasts, and more. Designed for families seeking unbiased and trusted information to help guide them to find safe and smart content for their children.

•See how much mature content (like sex, nudity, profanity, violence, and drugs and drinking) and positive content (positive messages, role models, diverse representations) your kid will find in movies, TV shows, books, games, apps, podcasts, and more.
•Get firsthand insights and extra details from other parents and kids in our community reviews.
•Browse our library and effortlessly find the perfect pick for family movie night, thanks to intuitive filters, such as the streaming services you have, your kid's age and interests, and your family's preferences.
•Easily filter out movies and TV shows with content and messages that aren't appropriate for your kids or that isn't right for your family.
•Explore hand-curated collections of the best movies, shows, and books based on category, genre, theme, topic, and more.
•Create your own custom watch and read list and save movies, TV shows, and books for later.

Independent and Nonprofit
Common Sense is the nation's leading nonprofit organization working on behalf of kids and teens to make the digital world more safe, healthy, and equitable for them and for all families. Our unbiased ratings are created by expert reviewers and aren't influenced by the product's creators or by any of our funders, affiliates, or partners.

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