This app has got all kinds of comics that you would ever want to read .

Latest Version

May 2, 2023
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Comics And Manga Reader APP

Find new stories or share your own with the best comics app, the largest webcomics community in the world.

Home to epic sagas, short stories, manga, manhwa, and daily comic strips, access thousands of creator-owned comics anytime, anywhere across 23 genres, including romance, comedy, action, fantasy, and horror.

Featuring action-packed, international blockbusters like Tower of God, Noblesse, The God of High School, the suspenseful thriller Sweet Home, and the global rom-com phenomenon True Beauty - now adapted into major TV and streaming formats.

​Also, check out 7FATES: CHAKHO, our latest collaboration with BTS.

Dive into the best comics ORIGINALS, award-winning comics which update weekly. Discover new voices on CANVAS, where creators self-publish their series to a vibrant, diverse audience.

Join the best comics experience and find YOUR story today.
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