Combain API Demo APP
The target with the new Combain Demo App is to:
1. Demo Combain Location API performance including Combain Indoor (crowdsourced)
2. Collect new learning data to enhance performance
3. Allow users to earn free credits for their API keys
4. Advertise Combain Enterprise Indoor (manual survey with Combain AR Indoor Survey App)
Main features:
1. Login with same account as on (not Traxmate/Enterprise Indoor)
2. About/advertising page for Combain Location API
3. Map OSM which shows GPS position (if available) and CPS position. Should show if CPS position source is cell or Indoor.
4. Details page with position for GPS, Cell Only, Indoor is show as well as the scan data (list of cell, wifi, ble)
5. Crowdsourced amount of data for the user, today, this week, this month, this year
6. A high score list and a map of all locations to “gamify” crowdsourcing with nickname possibility
7. Feedback/support page to send in a ticket
8. Debug features,hidden page with logs, monitor, status etc
The app will only be available for Android.
The main differences from the existing Combain API Demo App are:
* Use of new SLAM SDK to automatically crowdsource data also indoors, thus capture SLAM tracks when going indoors using sensors.
* Show user how many free credits has been earned by crowdsourcing
* No median error calculation as we do not support outdoor WiFi positioning and with only cell positioning this will be a high figure.