Play classical original tic tac toe (Three in a row, tres en raya) in neon glow.

Latest Version

Aug 1, 2021

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Colorful Tic Tac Toe GAME

Play tic tac toe (a.k.a Noughts and Crosses, Three in a row, tres en raya) in single player mode against an AI player or in two player mode against your friends and family.

You will be sure to love the attractively colored boards and fun Mario sounds :)

Tic-tac-toe (American English), noughts and crosses (Commonwealth English and British English), or Xs and Os/“X’y O’sies” (Ireland), is a paper-and-pencil game for two players, X and O, who take turns marking the spaces in a 3×3 grid. The player who succeeds in placing three of their marks in a diagonal, horizontal, or vertical row is the winner. It is a solved game with a forced draw assuming best play from both players.

the game is also known as Tick-tack-toe, tic-tac-toe, tick-tat-toe, or tit-tat-toe.
Exy-ozies(Northern Ireland).
Xs and Os(Ireland, Zimbabwe, Canada, Israel, Scotland).
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