Colored Koloboks GAME
1. England: The Johnny-Cake.
2. Scotland: Crumb-Cake.
3. America: The Gingerbread Man.
4. Germany: Der dicke fette Pfannkuchen (Thick pancake).
5. Norway: Runaway pancake.
6. France: Le Petit Homme de pain d'épice (The Gingerbread Man).
In our game, Koloboks flaunt in colorful caps, sit in glades, and want to line up in one line (horizontal, vertical or diagonal). If 5 or more Koloboks in caps of the same color line up, they will fly through the portal to another world. Your task is to help the Koloboks line up. When the koloboks fly away, you earn game points:
• 5 koloboks – 10 points
• 6 koloboks – 12 points
• 7 koloboks – 18 points
• 8 koloboks – 24 points
• 9 koloboks – 42 points
• 10 koloboks – 60 points
• 11 or more koloboks – the number of points is calculated as 60 + 18 * (the number of koloboks - 10).