Tool to connect university Swimming coaches & athletes in USA for recruitment.

Latest Version

Nov 24, 2022
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collegeSwimming APP

collegeSwimming is a recruiting tool for college/university Swimming coaches in USA and college bound Swimming student athletes in the recruiting process. Students can create a profile on the site for free and US college Basketballcoaches will then have access to the student’s details. It could be academic as well as Swimming details such as statistics, results and videos. The student will be able to look up all colleges/ universities in NCAA, NAIA and NJCAA. Get information about their program, coaches and many other important information’s.
It is possible for the coach to setup criteria such as eg max hcp, lowest SAT score, lowest TOEFL score and rankings from the WAGR and EGR ranking for collegeSwimming sophisticated notification systems. If a student athlete inside those criteria is visiting the coach’s college or profile, the registered coach will be notified via the app. In this way the coach will be able to filter the perfect athlete for their program and do not need to travel the world. The athlete suited for their program will come to them.
At the same time if a coach is adding a athlete as a preferred/favorite or is visiting the student’s profile on collegeSwimming the student will be notified by the system that the coach has been visiting the athlete or adding him or her to the favorite list. It is also possible for the coach and student to communicate inside the app.
Inside the app you will also find a sophisticated calendar system, built on the app collegeBasketball. The athlete can plan his future Swimming events and the coach will be able to see which events its favorite athlete is playing and with this information they can plan future recruiting trips.
You will have access to important information about the school system, international standards, the different organization and how it is put together. You will have access to many videos about collegeSwimming programs and universities. It will also be possible through the app to participate in live webinars about Swimming and college sports in general.
A win – win app for both college coaches and athletes.
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