A tool to prepare for Collapse Survival.

Latest Version

Dec 9, 2024
Google Play ID

Collapse Survivor APP

Collapse Survivor SimWarn provides both realistic simulations of bad disasters that lead to loss of law and order, economic and societal breakdown, and real alerts from the Fortitude Ranch survival community threat warning system.
The weekly simultaneous play scenarios provide fantastic education and experience in dealing with societal collapse and all types of difficult decisions you must correctly make to stay alive. Learn about all areas of preparedness and collapse survival.
Take the Apocalypse for a weekly test drive--see if you survive, and learn how to improve your odds.
You can turn off the simulation message notices, but the real collapse warnings will still push through to your phone to warn you when a bad disaster is happening that could lead to a collapse. The extra hours of warning could save your life.

The Collapse Survival App does not and NEVER WILL sell any user data of any type. This is how most “free” Apps generate their income. We refuse to sell or release any data, and for just $9.99/year we can provide you collapse threat alerts that can save your life and a host of other prepper services—including a confidential stockpile function to keep track of your supplies—with assurance that your data is confidential, not for sale.
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