Coffee Card - Fidelity Card APP
I guess so!
☕️ Coffee Card was born from the passion for coffee and innovation.
🆕 From the app you can easily and intuitively create and manage your customers' loyalty cards.
🗂 Manually search through a thousand cards?
📱 From Now all you need is a TAP on your smartphone.
🗣 Do your customers keep asking you how many coffees they have available and forget the card at home?
💬 With a simple message on WhatsApp your customers will always be updated.
🕚 Barista Saves 1 Minute and 47 Seconds each coffee checks.
🔐 We keep your customers' data safe by complying with EU Regulation 2016/679 - GDPR.
🌱 Stop consuming paper and do your part.
🤩 Amaze and Engage your customers with an Innovative service.
☕️ Coffee Card - Engage your customers with the most loved CRM by Italian Baristas