Code Editor Mobile - PHP, Java APP
It is better than other code editors for android. It contains necessary features for coding, includes syntax highlighting, auto indention, code assist, auto completion, compilation and execution, etc.
⭐ Smooth syntax highlighting for multiple languages (C++, Java, JavaScript, HTML, Markdown, PHP, Perl, Python, Lua, Dart, etc)
⭐ Preview HTML and Markdown files.
⭐ Code Editor is an engine that can compile and run Java code
⭐ Auto completion
⭐ Auto indent
⭐ Code block lines
⭐ Scale text
⭐ Select text
⭐ Scroll, Scrollbars, EdgeEffect, OverScroll
⭐ Undo/redo changes without limit
⭐ Search and replace
⭐ Shortcuts
⭐ Auto wordwrap
⭐ Show non-printable characters
⭐ Incremental highlight Analysis
⭐ Plugin System
⭐ Access files from FTP, FTPS, SFTP and WebDAV.
Language Supported:
PHP, Java, JavaScript, CSS, Dart, C, C++, HTML, Python (Basic Support:highlight, code block line, identifier and keyword auto-completion). Code block line isn't available for HTML Language.