Application for goods control in transit. Intended for use by participating municipalities of the PIT (Tax Integration Program) and Classes Flywheels State Revenue Rio Grande do Sul. The participation of the Municipal Steering wheels Classes program requires the service to PIT requirements, practical course, theoretical course and award of the certificate by the Chief of Police to which the municipality is linked. The request for access to the system for CMT participants PIT should be made by letter to the delegate of your region. Using the CMT Mobile program depends on email to with the following requirements:
1. Accession Agreement to Use Mobile Platform CMT digitally signed or send the signed original to Av Ceará, 875, Bairro Navegantes, Porto Alegre - RS CEP 90240-511.;
2. The device IMEI (slot 1, 2, ...) (* # 06 #);
3. The account google will be used in the device;
4. Qualification Certificate of Municipal Employees.