Patient care management platform

Latest Version

Feb 9, 2024
Google Play ID

CLintel APP

CLintel is the most advanced patient care mobile app with built-in engagement with patients and their remote health monitoring and digital therapeutics. CLintel makes you get more personalized care, improving health and reducing costs. CLintel has unique features to give a seamless delightful patient experience with doctors and hospitals. You can schedule appointments with a doctor, upload and receive lab reports, securely share with your caregiver and get instant treatment. CLintel maintains longitudinal data which tracks your health and enables understanding of the entire health journey. It facilitates early detection of medical problems.

CLintel has a Telehealth feature and can speak to your clinician on-the-go, get instant treatment recommendation, store your medical and lab history, e- prescriptions, medical reports, vaccine certificates & more. You can create a Health profile for each of your family members & manage medical & health records of all members in a single app. These medical records can be easily shared to clinicians with a single click.

CLintel remote monitoring - CLintel is compatible with Apple Health, Google fit and IoT, wearables like glucometers, BP monitors and facilitates monitoring your oxygen levels, heart rate, blood pressure and sugar remotely to share them to caregivers for precise, proactive and personalized care. CLintel monitors your health, provides real-time data to your doctor, enabling early detection of health problems and more personalized care.

CLintel has omni-channel communication where you can communicate with your hospital through WhatsApp, SMS, email and get answers for all your health related questions on-the-go.

Salient features:
1) Schedule appointment with doctor
2) Personalized health records
3) Chat, SMS, video and audio call with your doctor
4) Receive, store, share lab reports and get instant treatment
5) Home health monitoring of blood sugar, BP, heart rate and oxygen levels with IoT and wearables, apple health, google fit by your caregiver and get actionable insights.
6) Tracks your activity and sleep and Keeps your health in good condition
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