Climbo APP
We are continuously working to improve Climbo. Here is a list of what you can already do with it:
- Get notified when your gym sets new routes
- Browse currently set routes in your gym
- Track your progress by marking climbed and project routes
- View your climbing statistics
- Optionally participate in your gym's ranking
- Add climbing partners to privately share your rank, recommend routes, etc.
- Rate and give feedback on routes you climb to help other climbers, and also, to help your gym improve their route setting
- Get notified about gym announcements or activities
- Find climbing gyms in other countries or near you
- Optionally, scan routes by QR code with your mobile camera
Currently available in:
- Catalan
- English
- Spanish
Have an idea or want to see extra features? Let us know!
Your gym not in Climbo? Tell them about us they will surely want to join :)
Moreover, if you manage a gym and would like to see it in Climbo, feel free to contact us.