ClassKlap Teacher APP
It brings together at one place the teacher’s day timetable, school calendar, syllabus and teaching strategies. The new version of the app can be downloaded by teachers on their own devices- tabs and mobile phones helping them keep a track of their classes’ progress at all times.
Account: Update teacher’s personal details, timetable and sync app from this section
Syllabus: An array of teaching tips and strategies is included like Assessment Patterns, Annual Planning Tool, Lesson Plan for each class, Teaching Aids List, End-of-Term Reflection, prescribed syllabus for each assessment for each grade along with session-wise breakdown concepts to be covered. Teachers can mark their progress in each class and align the teaching pace with exam dates. A digital copy of our curriculum textbooks and workbooks, their answer keys with Day-wise Lesson Plans, Important Words and recommended classwork and homework is also included.
Attendance: A student attendance tracker within the app keeps a record of students attending the sessions.
Gallery: The teachers can now share moments captured in the classroom with the parents keeping them in loop of their child’s progress.
Calendar: Teachers get the flexibility of assigning and adjusting their classes adding revision periods as and when required.
More about the ClassKlap program is available at