Classic Oono Card Game GAME
How to Play : -
* As the game starts, Each Player is given 7 cards, the remaining cards are placed in to deck.
* Card Details :-
** Colored cards with numbers with 0 to 9.
** There are some Special Cards :-
Reverse - It reverse the turn occurence.
Skip - It will skip the turn of next player.
+2 - It will give 2 cards to the next player and forfeit its turn.
** There are 2 Wild Cards :-
Color Changer - It will change the color of the card to match with.
+4 - It will give 4 cards to the next player and change the color of the card to match with.
* You can Throw card that matches to the top card of Pile
First by Number if not
Then by Color if not
Then draw a card from Picking pile if same number or same color or if not from them turn given to the next player to you
Note : - You can play any wild card at any time.
* If a Player finishes all his cards, he wins and the game ends.