CityTrips - All Mobility APP
With CityTrips you can find all nearby transportation services and choose the one fits you best. The main means of transportation in one place.
Why CityTrips?
- ALL SERVICES: direct access to car sharing, moto sharing, bike, scooter, VTC, taxi and public transportation.
- SAVE: choose the fastest and cheapest option.
- GO ON BIKE: check where the bike lanes, parking lots and repair spots are.
- REAL TIME: have public transport routes (metro, bus, tramway, VTC and taxi) updated in real time. Save you favorite stops.
- EXCLUSIVE BENEFITS: take advantage of our promotions and discounts for app users.
- COMPARE: filter all mobility options around you by time, price, environmental impact or distance, or combine any of them.
Where do we operate and what will you find in the app?
In Barcelona:
- Motosharing: Cooltra, Acciona, Yego, Tucycle
- Bikesharing: Bicing, Cooltra, Ridemovi-e
- Ecological Taxi, Cabify
- All public transportation
In Madrid:
- Motosharing: Acciona, Cooltra
- Carsharing: Free2Move, Sharenow, Wible, Zity
- Bicycle sharing: Bicimad
- Taxi, Cabify, Uber
- All public transportation
In Valencia:
- Motosharing: Acciona, Cooltra
- Taxi, Cabify
- All public transportation
In Santiago de Chile:
- Public transportation
And many more! CityTrips is present in more than 40 cities.
We want to hear from you. Send us an email at for any inquiry.