Citylets APP
Everything you would expect from Citylets property and agent search is at your fingertips. You can search for your ideal rental by location, price, number of bedrooms, property type and more. There’s also an automated search facility that pinpoints and uses your location to show what's available to rent in the immediate area... so if you're out and about and find yourself somewhere you’d like to live, you can see what's on the market there and then.
- Property alerts
- Detailed property search with multiple display filters
- Find letting agents by location or name
- Display results in a list or on a map
- Easy to read search results & property schedules
- Save & compare favourite properties & agents
- Keep track of recent activity and search history
- Email or call letting agents direct
- Keyword filter
- GPS facility locates you and shows properties nearby
- Share properties of interest on Facebook & Twitter or email to family/friends
Citylets is Scotland’s certified leading source of property and flats to rent with over 4 million annual visitors & listing over 50,000 properties per year.