Cineship APP
Social network of movies and series, which helps the user to locate, on which legal streaming platform, that movie/series is available to watch!
In addition to displaying information about the film and series, such as Rotten Tomatoes, IMDB and MetaCritic notes, synopsis, cast, recommended films/series, the application has a roulette wheel that, based on some parameters (platform, genre, year, IMDB rating) randomly draws a film or series for those users who are in doubt about what to watch. We reduce your work to increase your fun!
In the app you can:
- Follow other users;
- Write reviews about movies and series;
- Like/dislike reviews from other users;
- Search for movies and series by name, search through lists, or by platform or genre;
- Give ratings to movies and series;
- Create, edit, remove movie and series collections;
- Configure the profile by adding a profile picture, a cover photo, a bio, address, and links to your social networks;
- Change/recover password and add additional information regarding gender, date of birth, first and last name;
- Raffle 5 movies/series at the roulette wheel, and filter already watched titles.