100k+ Downloads Cinema Malaysia App

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Nov 2, 2023
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Cinema Malaysia APP

Cinemas Malaysia App is a FREE app to browse all cinema website in Malaysia.
Cinemas Malaysia App conveniently let you browse the latest movie showtimes easily.

Cinemas Malaysia App comprises of all the major cinemas in Malaysia namely TGV Cinemas (TGV), MBO Cinemas (MBO), Golden Screen Cinemas (GSC), Lotus Five Star Cinemas (LFS), Premium-X (PXC), Amerin Cineplex (AC), MMCineplexes (MMC), TSRCinemax Cineplex (TSR), Superstar Cinema (Superstar), Paragon Cinemas, Asthar Galatic Cinema (AGC), City Cineplex, Cine House, Dadi Cinema

Cinema Malaysia App:
✔ Faster and Smooth
✔ Friendly UI Design
✔ Secure - Built-in Browser, Block all download
✔ Lightweight - App size is less than 6MB

Cinemas Malaysia App Features:
✔ Link to cinemas App
✔ Link to cinemas Facebook fans page
✔ Link to cinemas Instagram account
✔ Launch Google Maps to locate nearby cinemas
✔ Launch cinemas website in browser
✔ Clear cache when clicked refresh button

Movie website credits go to www.gsc.com.my, www.tgv.com.my, www.mbocinemas.com, www.lfs.com.my, www.premiumx.my, www.amerincineplex.com.my, www.mmcineplexes.com, www.tsrcinemax.asia, www.superstarcinema.com.my, www.paragoncinemas.com.my, www.agcmovie.com, www.citycineplex.com, www.cinehouse.my, www.dadi.my

Movie reviews credits go to www.rottentomatoes.com, www.imdb.com

✔ TGV Cinemas (TGV) www.tgv.com.my
✔ Golden Screen Cinemas (GSC) www.gsc.com.my
✔ MBO Cinemas (MBO) www.mbocinemas.com
✔ Lotus Five Star Cinemas (LFS) www.lfs.com.my
✔ Premium-X Cinemas (PXC) www.premiumx.my
✔ Amerin Cineplex (AC) www.amerincineplex.com.my
✔ MMCineplexes (MMC) www.mmcineplexes.com
✔ TSRCinemax Cineplex (TSR) www.tsrcinemax.asia
✔ Superstar Cinema (Superstar) www.superstarcinema.com.my
✔ Paragon Cinemas (Paragon Cinemas) www.paragoncinemas.com.my
✔ Asthar Galatic Cinema (AGC) www.agcmovie.com
✔ City Cineplex www.citycineplex.com
✔ Cine House www.cinehouse.my
✔ Dadi Cinema www.dadi.my

Movie Reviews:
✔ Rotten Tomatoes www.rottentomatoes.com
✔ IMDb www.imdb.com

This Android Application is not related or sponsored by TGV Cinemas Sdn Bhd (TGV Cinemas).
This Android Application is not related or sponsored by Golden Screen Cinemas Sdn Bhd (GSC Cinemas).
This Android Application is not related or sponsored by MCAT Box Office Sdn Bhd (MBO Cinemas).
This Android Application is not related or sponsored by Lotus Fivestar Cinemas Sdn Bhd (LFS Cinemas).
This Android Application is not related or sponsored by MCT Consortium Berhad (Premium-X Cinemas).
This Android Application is not related or sponsored by Pinnacles Screen Sdn Bhd (Amerin Cineplex Cinemas).
This Android Application is not related or sponsored by MM2 Screen Management Sdn Bhd (MMCineplexes Cinemas).
This Android Application is not related or sponsored by IRDK Land Sdn Bhd (TSRCinemax Cineplex).
This Android Application is not related or sponsored by Grand Esteem Sdn Bhd (Superstar Cinema).
This Android Application is not related or sponsored by Paragon Cinemas Sdn Bhd (Paragon Cinemas).
This Android Application is not related or sponsored by Asthar Galatic Cinema Sdn Bhd (Asthar Galatic Cinema).
This Android Application is not related or sponsored by City Cineplex Sdn (City Cineplex).
This Android Application is not related or sponsored by CineHouse Sdn Bhd (CineHouse Cinema).
This Android Application is not related or sponsored by Dadi Cinemas (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd (Dadi Cinema).
This Android Application is not related or sponsored by Fandango Media, LLC (Rotten Tomatoes).
This Android Application is not related or sponsored by IMDb.com, Inc. (IMDb).

All copyrights and trademarks are owned by a review of their respective owners. Pictures in this application were collected from all over the web, if we violate copyright, please let us know and will be removed as soon as possible.

Buy popcorn and enjoy your Movie :)

Cinemas Malaysia App
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