Homepage: The project is hosted at Computer Physics Communications Program Library (search for keyword „cindo“ or type the name „AECN_v1_0“). Modified parts are published by Aoyama Iwao in his Github repository.
Source: The official source code is available in Computer Physics Communications Program Library (keyword: CINDO or AECN_v1_0). Useful modifications which help when compiling for Windows platform posted by Aoyama Iwao are available in his Github repository.
Reference: Sridhar Sahu, Alok Shukla: Fortran 90 implementation of the Hartree–Fock approach within the CNDO/2 and INDO models, Computer Physics Communications 180(5) 2009, 724-734.
Description & Use:
CINDO enables performing CNDO/2 and INDO calculations of species containing elements from the first to third period. Apart from the standard output it contains several other facilities such as generating custom orbital / spectrum datasheets.
Quick start: check the included manuals
Program status:
The current package contains CINDO binaries of primary version compiled for the particular Android hardware platforms and adapted for running in generic, stock devices. The app requires permission to access the file-storage. It works completely offline and does not contain ads.
The distribution is published for free at Mobile Chemistry Portal and Google Play Store with kind permission of Alok Shukla under the condition that you will cite the original reference paper (Sridhar Sahu, Alok Shukla: Fortran 90 implementation of the Hartree–Fock approach within the CNDO/2 and INDO models, Computer Physics Communications 180(5) 2009, 724-734.) in case of obtaining some results for publication purposes. By downloading, installing and using the program you automatically comply with this condition and are fully responsible for keeping the copyright rules.
For more details on licenses of used software, please check the included README file and the corresponding license files inside of the package.
Compilation of the source code for Android/Windows as well as the Android/Windows app development was done by Alan Liška ( and Veronika Růžičková (, J. Heyrovský Institute of Physical Chemistry of the CAS, v.v.i., Dolejškova 3/2155, 182 23 Praha 8, Czech Republic.