An application that guarantees its integration with the municipality. No queues and much more agile, in the palm of your hand.
Participate in decisions, open protocols, see business and real estate situations and save time by requesting municipal debt collection guides, all through the application.
If you are a public servant, CidadeMOB allows you to check your paycheck, vacation and bonuses in your contracts.
Keep the city in the palm of your hand, even closer to you.
· Request for collection forms;
· Participation in polls;
. Participation in actions / campaigns;
· Consultation of statements of real estate and companies;
· Opening and monitoring protocols and ombudsmen;
· Registration regularization (natural and legal person).
Because it is an application that searches for information in the databases of partner municipalities, there is dependence on all the infrastructure that this type of communication requires.
Occasionally, interruptions in these services can occur due to the most diverse factors, such as a drop in communication with the municipal data servers, environmental maintenance and this will be reflected in the use of the application, as the data will not be presented and some messages may be presented, depending on the routine being used.
With regard to citizen information, in some areas they will only be presented if the user registered in the application has links with the municipality being accessed, such as real estate or companies registered with his CPF or if he is a municipal public servant in this municipality, for example.
Application developed by GOVBR Sul, Solutions for Public Management.