Chuyển Tọa Độ VN2000 APP
- Find the plot location on Google Maps when there is a location coordinate drawing (in VN2000 system)
- Used in the field of measurement: finding landmarks, point locations to make landmarks, calculating reference coordinate values.
Application used to convert 2-dimensional XY coordinates in VN2000 system to Lat-Long WGS84.
- XY coordinates in the VN2000 system are used in formal drawings such as Floor Book, Real Estate Certificate, technical drawings.
- Lat-Long coordinates are used as the international standard of Google Maps. Therefore, to determine the location of a point in the Red Book drawing on the Google Maps satellite image map, we need to convert it to the Lat-Long WGS84 value and send it to the Google Maps application.
* The program is completely free, no ads inserted.
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