Chrono Crux (Hololive Fangame) GAME
How long can you defend against the Kroniicopter raids and Kronii herself trying to capture you?
[Scoring info]
Each shot costs 1 point. Hitting a Kroniicopter or taking down a Brooch grants 4 points. Hitting a Clock Hand when Kronii attacks grants 15 points.
[Game over]
If 4 Brooches successfully land on either side of Ame's base, they will overpower Ame and capture her, don't let that happen!
If a Clock Hand touches Ame, she will be inmediately captured! Aim precisely and take them down before they get too close!
Programming / Design / Art: David Wu
Music: MAKOOTO (
Sounds: Free sounds and stream clips
Smol Ame design by @walfieee
Ouro Kronii and Amelia Watson are (c)2016 COVER Corp.
This is a free game made under COVER Corp.'s derivative works guidelines. I do not claim ownership of Hololive property.