ChristianPrayerBookApp APP
The prayer section contains the following list of prayers
Sign of the Cross (Small Version) (Kurishadayalam)
Sign of the Cross (Long Version) (Kurishadayalam)
Glory Be (Thrithua)
Lord's Prayer (Swargarsthanaya)
Hail Mary (Nanma Niranja Mariyam)
The Apostles Creed (Viswasa Pramanam)
The Confiteor (Kumbasarathinulla Japam)
Act of Contrition (Manasthapa Prakaranam)
The Angelus(Ordinary)
The Angelus(Holy Week)
The Queen of Heaven(The Regina Coeli)
The Hail, Holy Queen (Parishudha Ranji)
Memorare (Etrayam Daya Ulla Mathave)
Guardian Angel Prayer (Kaaval Maalagayodulla Prarthana)
The Prayer to St Joseph (Vishudha Yousppehinodulla Prarthana)
The Prayer to Holy Spirit (Parishudhanmavinodulla Prarthana)
Prayer for the Faithful Departed (Maricha Viswasikalkayulla Prarthana)
Consecration of the family to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
The prayer book is composed of various Rosary prayers.
Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Rosary of the Jesus’s Sacred Heart
Rosary of Mother Mary's Tears of Blood
Chaplet of the Divine Mercy
Rosary of the Immaculate Conception
Novena Prayers of following Saints are also included in this app
Novena of mercy
St. Jude's Prayer
St. Joseph's Prayer
St. Antony's Prayer
St. Alphonsa's Prayer
Our Lady of Perpetual Help
Novena St. Georgy's Sahada
Novena of Infant Jesus
Novena to St. Sebastian
Novena, the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Novena, Our Lady of Lourdes
St. Francis Assisi's Prayer
St. Kuriakose Elias Chavara's Prayer
St. Mariam Thresia's Prayer
Family prayers:
Prayer for the change of difficulties
Prayer for Mercy
Jesus' Blood Protection Prayer
Prayer after a meal
Prayer that can be said while traveling
Prayer to be said after the journey
Prayer before going to bed and on other occasions
Night prayer
Prayer for a life partner
Pray for good weather
Prayer for the sick
Birthday prayer
Prayer to be said while going to work
Prayer for students
Prayer for today
Prayer for protection
Prayer for solution
Prayer for the childless
Parents' prayers for their children
Prayer Songs:
Songs to the Holy Spirit
Songs to Mother Mary
Songa to St Joseph
Worship songs
Holy Communion Hymns
Repentance songs
Hallelujah songs
Maathivinte Vanakamasam
Eshoyude Thiruhrudaya Vanakamasam
Devotional deeds
Latin Syro Malabar Mass Order
Rosary audio / video
Video of the Way of the Cross
Along with all this prayer book offers prayer Songs Lyrics which get updated daily and you can share this with your friends and family. Jesus and Bible related WhatsApp stickers are also available.
The new feature we added is Prayer Requests. You can get prayer help from prayer book app users.
The prayers are kept on update monthly so that you can use this app for all prayers you are looking for. Please write a review for the required prayers and do support me by rating.
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